Center for Critical Imagination

The advancement of digital sociability has radically changed the process of forming public opinion. New communication dynamics seem to indicate a structural change in the mode of political representation: the ‘digital democracy’. Given this scenario, this research line will investigate new forms of political organization: ‘digital parties’. Created from the new dynamics facilitated by digital sociability, such parties respond to the crisis of confidence in traditional parties and are based on forming new bonds of political representation through the establishment of chains of loyalty among supporters, activists, and lawmakers. Thus, this research line aims to understand how a Brazilian digital party located on the right side of the political spectrum operates within the institutional framework, and how digital sociability affects the creation and maintenance of loyalty chains between its voters and candidates.


  • From TikTok to City Councils: How Views Turn into Votes

    Marçal stumbles along the way, but the number of influencers elected as councilors grows

    Vinicius Sturari

  • Influencers, Youth, and Politics in Latin America

    Camila Rocha, Esther Solano, Thais Pavez