Center for Critical Imagination



  • Marcos Nobre


  • Paulo Yamawake

    Advisor to the General Director

  • Camila Rocha

    Scientific Director

  • José Del Ben Neto

    Advisor to the Scientific Board

  • Fabiola Fanti

    Education Director

  • Ariane Donda

    Advisor to the Education Directorate

  • Jonas Medeiros

    Research Director

  • Luciana Pena Morgado

    Advisor to the Research Directorate

  • Marilia Romão

    Executive Secretary

  • José Roosevelt Junior

    Communications Adviser

Marcos Nobre


Marcos Nobre

Marcos Nobre is the general director of CCI/Cebrap and one of its Principal Investigators. He is a full professor of Political Philosophy at Unicamp and 1A researcher and member of the Deliberative Council at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). He chaired Cebrap (2019-23) and coordinated several thematic projects financed by The São Paulo Research Foundation (Fapesp). He received the 65th Jabuti Prize for the best book in the Social Sciences for Limites da Democracia: de junho de 2013 ao Governo Bolsonaro (Limits of Democracy: from June 2013 to the Bolsonaro government, Todavia, 2022).