The representation and metamorphoses of the public sphere (Paula Montero) ↗
Nexo Jornal
The echoes of January 8th in Brazilian democracy (Jonas Medeiros) ↗
The Climate Crossroads (Arilson Favareto) ↗
revista piauí
From Cali to Belém – the outcomes of the Biodiversity COP and their impact on the transition of agri-food systems ↗
Nexo Jornal
Trump's victory: a compendium of horrors (Marcos Nobre) ↗
revista piaui
The future with Trump (Marcos Nobre) ↗
Rádio Escafandro
The rise of the far right in the Amazon: why are nature destroyers elected? (Camila Rocha) ↗
2024 Elections: Camila Rocha, political scientist and researcher at CCI/Cebrap ↗
Jornal da Gazeta
Brasil de Fato covers the first round of the municipal elections (Camila Rocha) ↗
Brasil de Fato
Elon Musk has turned Brazil into a far-right ‘case study’ (Marcos Nobre) ↗
Jornal da Cultura
The Governance Crisis in Brazil (Marcos Nobre) ↗
Podcast O Assunto (G1)
How Marçal shakes up Bolsonarism (Camila Rocha) ↗
Podcast Café da Manhã (Folha de São Paulo)
The Danger of Theocratic Fantasies (Paula Montero and Renata Nagamine) ↗
Quatro Cinco Um: a revista dos livros (impressa)
Climate Solution Requires Transformation of the Agri-Food System (Arilson Favareto and Marina Piatto) ↗
Valor Econômico, São Paulo, p. 14
What Comes After Neoliberalism? (Marcos Nobre) ↗
Podcast Foro de Teresina (piauí)
New center will debate global issues ↗
Pesquisa Fapesp
What Comes After Neoliberalism? (Marcos Nobre) ↗
Research points to fragmentation in the digital influencer market ↗
Agência Brasil
'There is a dispute over the post-neoliberal order model' ↗
Cebrap will host a research center to debate global issues ↗
Poder 360º
Cebrap will host a new study center on the crisis of neoliberalism ↗
Folha de São Paulo